Newsroom - Press Releases

  • 08/09/2019

    Washington, DC – In a unanimous decision, the Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission) voted to designate Commissioner Michael M. Kubayanda Vice Chairman of the Commission for the remainder of the 2019 calendar year and the full 2020 calendar year. Title 39 of the United States Code Section 502 (e) provides that “The Commissioners shall by majority vote designate a Vice Chairman of the Commission.

  • 08/08/2019

    Washington, DC – Ann C. Fisher (R) and Ashley E. Poling (D) were confirmed by the Senate and begin their first term as commissioners of the Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission). President Donald J. Trump nominated Fisher and Poling for terms that extend through 2024.

    Ms. Fisher and Ms. Poling assume their roles at a critical time, as the Commission is currently involved in a major review of the system for setting Market Dominant rates.

  • 01/08/2019

    Washington, DC – The Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission) voted unanimously during a Commission public meeting on December 17, 2018 to designate Commissioner Nanci E. Langley as vice chairman of the Commission effective January 1, 2019. Agency regulations provide that the commissioners elect a member to serve as vice chairman for a term of one year. Commissioner Langley succeeds Commissioner Tony Hammond.