ChairmanPresident Joseph R. Biden, Jr. designated Michael M. Kubayanda chairman of the Commission in January 2021. Chairman Kubayanda was reappointed to the Commission on December 9, 2021, for a second term expiring November 22, 2026, following his renomination by President Biden and second unanimous confirmation by the United States Senate. He was named vice chairman in August 2019 and served in that position through the end of 2020.
Vice Chairman
Robert G. Taub was chairman of the Commission for more than 6 years, from December 2014 until January 2021. Three times appointed to the Commission following unanimous confirmations by the U.S. Senate in 2011, 2016, and 2023, Commissioner Taub has more than 40 years of public service experience at the local, state, and federal levels. Before joining the Commission in October 2011, he was a principal civilian advisor to the Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh. As an Army senior executive, he helped the Secretary lead a workforce of more than 1.2 million people, and manage an annual budget exceeding $200 billion. Commissioner Taub was awarded the Army's Decoration for Distinguished Civilian Service.
Commissioner Thomas G. Day was nominated by President Joseph Biden and confirmed by the United States Senate on September 28, 2023, for the remainder of a six-year term that expires October 14, 2028. Mr. Day served 45 years in the federal government in both the US Army and the US Postal Service. During his 35-year career in the Postal Service, he held senior executive positions as vice president-engineering, senior vice president-government relations, senior vice president-intelligent mail, and the chief sustainability officer. In addition, at the Postal Service, he was the chair of the Standards Board at the Universal Postal Union. Mr. Day was recognized with a Board of Governors award for his leadership in response to the Anthrax attack. Following his retirement from the Postal Service, he was employed by the International Post Corporation where he was the chief commercial and chief financial officer.
Ann C. Fisher has been sworn in twice as Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory Commission following nominations by both President Trump and Biden and unanimous confirmation by the United States Senate. Commissioner Fisher is a proud 32-year federal employee. Prior to joining the Commission, Fisher spent twelve years working in the U.S. Senate, advising members on small business, health care, federal employee and Postal Service issues. She began her career serving as an economist for her home state senator, Larry Pressler (R-SD) on the Senate Small Business Committee.
CommissionerAshley Jay Elizabeth Poling was nominated by President Donald J. Trump and confirmed by the United States Senate on Thursday, August 1 for the remainder of a six-year term that expires November 22, 2024. Prior to joining the Commission, Ms. Poling served as the director of governmental affairs and senior counsel to Ranking Member Gary C. Peters (D-MI) on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee where she advised Senator Peters on policy issues, negotiated with stakeholders to advance bipartisan legislation, and implemented strategies to advance Senator Peters’ governmental affairs priorities. Ms. Poling also served as senior policy counsel to Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and as counsel to Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) on their respective Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittees, where she focused on postal reform and federal workforce issues.