
Richard B. Kielbowicz
A History of Mail Classification and Its Underlying Policies and Purposes Prepared for the Postal Rate Commission in the Mail Reclassification Proceeding (Docket No. MC95-1)

PRC Staff
A Cost Comparison of Serving Rural and Urban Areas in the United States By Robert H. Cohen, Willam W. Ferguson, and Spyros S. Xenakis

PRC Staff
Rural Delivery and the Universal Service Obligation: A Quantitative Investigation Published in Regulation and the Nature of Postal and Delivery Services, Eds.

PRC Staff
Excel Financial Model Used in "Will Entrants into a Liberalized Delivery Market Attract Investors" Robert H. Cohen.

Richard B. Kielbowicz
Development of the Paid Subscriber Rule Prepared for the Postal Rate Commission in the Tri-Parish Journal Case (Docket No. C85-2)