
PRC Staff
Will Entrants into a Liberalized Delivery Market Attract Investors Robert H. Cohen. Presented June 2-5, 2004 at the Twelfth Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, Cork, Ireland.

Edward S. Pearsall
The Potential Welfare Benefits From Two-Part Tariffs for Bulk Mailers Sponsored by the Postal Rate Commission and presented November 13-14, 2003 at the Third Conference on "Regulation, Competition and Universal Service in the Postal Sector,"

PRC Staff
The Cost of Universal Service in the U.S. and Its Impact on Competition Robert H. Cohen.

PRC Staff
An Empirical Analysis of the Graveyard Spiral Robert H. Cohen. Presented June 4-7, 2003 at the Eleventh Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, Toledo, Spain. Published in Competitive Transformation of the Postal and Delivery Sector,

Richard B. Kielbowicz
Universal Postal Service: A Policy History, 1790-1970

PRC Staff
The Postal Services Commission (Postcomm) The Independent National Regulatory Body for the UK Postal Sector

PRC Staff
A Comparison of the Burden of Universal Service in Italy and the United States Robert H. Cohen. Presented June 6-9, 2001 at the Ninth Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, Sorrento, Italy.

PRC Staff
Postal Administrations and Non-Postal Products A study of Justifications and Difficulties Associated with Decisions to Diversify Into Non-Postal Areas Robert Mitchell. Presented at the 9th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, June 6-9, 2001, Sorre

PRC Staff
The Impact of Using Worksharing to Liberalize a Postal Market Presented February 19-21, 2001 at the WIK 6th Koenigswinter Seminar on Postal Economics. Published in Liberalisation of Postal Markets

PRC Staff
Preparing the Postal Service's Rate Structures for Competition: A Study of How the United States Postal Service Might Adjust to Increased Competitive Pressure Robert Mitchell. Presented June 7-10, 2000 at the Conference on Postal Delivery and Economics, T