PRC Issues FY 2017 Annual Report to the President and Congress

Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission) released its Annual Report to the President and Congress summarizing the activities undertaken by the Commission during Fiscal Year (FY) 2017. Each year, the Commission is required to address in its report information concerning the operations of the Commission, including the extent to which regulations are achieving the ratesetting objectives of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA). The Commission’s report must also include an estimate of the costs incurred by the Postal Service to provide certain services that the Postal Service would not otherwise have provided except for the requirements of the law.

In Chairman Robert Taub’s letter preceding the Report, he states that the Commission is dedicated to fulfilling its mission of ensuring transparency and accountability of the Postal Service and fostering a vital and efficient universal mail system. To that end, FY 2017 was an exceptionally productive year for the agency. In addition to the Commission carrying out its regulatory responsibilities of reviewing and approving postal rates and new product proposals, and formal complaint adjudication, the Commission began the important process of evaluating the system for regulating rates and classes for Market Dominant products 10 years from the enactment of the PAEA as dictated by law. Commission findings from its review and proposed rules were released in late Fall 2017.

The Commission also implemented its 5-year Strategic Plan for 2017 through 2022 designed to direct continual improvement in operational quality and efficiency.

The FY 2017 Annual Report is available on the Commission’s website,

The Postal Regulatory Commission is an independent federal agency that provides regulatory oversight over the U.S. Postal Service to ensure the transparency and accountability of the Postal Service and foster a vital and efficient universal mail system.  The Commission is comprised of five Presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed Commissioners, each serving terms of six years. The Chairman is designated by the President. In addition to Chairman Robert G. Taub, the other commissioners are Vice Chairman Tony Hammond, and Commissioners Mark Acton, and Nanci E. Langley. Follow the PRC on Twitter: @PostalRegulator