Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices are public notices published in the Federal Register. PRC posts notices that are pertinent to the Commission on its web site. A user can view a list of Federal Register Notices, open and view each notice, or print or download any or all notices.

01/19/2011 Docket No. MT2011-2-Experimental Product-Gift Cards-Notice
01/10/2011 Docket Nos. CP2011-33 et al.-Product List Update-Final Rule
01/10/2011 Docket No. ACR2010- FY 2010 Annual Compliance Report-Notice
01/07/2011 Docket Nos. MC2011-17 and CP2011-56-Priority Mail Contract 34-Notice
01/07/2011 Docket Nos. MC2011-18 and CP2011-57-Priority Mail Contract 35-Notice
01/05/2011 Docket No. CP2011-54-Global Expedited Package Services 3-Notice
01/05/2011 Docket No. CP2011-55-Global Reseller Expedited Package-Notice
01/04/2011 Docket No. RM2011-5-Periodic Reporting (Proposals Nine through Twelve)-Notice
01/04/2011 Docket Nos. MC2011-16 and CP2011-53-Parcel Select Contract 1-Notice
01/04/2011 Docket No. RM2011-6-Periodic Reporting (Proposals Thirteen and Fourteen)-Notice