Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices are public notices published in the Federal Register. PRC posts notices that are pertinent to the Commission on its web site. A user can view a list of Federal Register Notices, open and view each notice, or print or download any or all notices.

04/15/2011 Docket No. MC2011-24-Classification Changes for Competitive Mail Services-Notice
04/14/2011 Docket No. RM2011-9-Periodic Reporting-Fee Group E Post Office Boxes-Notice
04/11/2011 Docket No. A2011-13-Rogers Avenue Station, Fort Smith, Arkansas-Notice
04/06/2011 Docket No. A2011-12-Wesleyville, Pennsylvania Post Office Closing-Notice
03/30/2011 Docket No. A2011-11-Ida, Arkansas Post Office Closing-Notice
03/29/2011 Sunshine Act Meeting-April 6, 2011
03/23/2011 Docket No. CP2011-64-Parcel Select-Notice
03/23/2011 Docket No. CP2011-63-Priority Mail Flat Rate-Notice
03/10/2011 Docket Nos. MC2011-16 and CP2011-53-Parcel Select Contract 1-Notice
03/04/2011 Docket Nos. MC2011-23 and CP2011-62-Competitive Ancillary Services-Notice