Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices are public notices published in the Federal Register. PRC posts notices that are pertinent to the Commission on its web site. A user can view a list of Federal Register Notices, open and view each notice, or print or download any or all notices.

12/23/2011 Docket No. CP2012-4-New Postal Product-Notice
12/23/2011 Docket No. RM2012-1 Periodic Reporting Proposed Rulemaking
12/20/2011 Docket No. A2012-84-Mount Union, Iowa Post Office Closing-Notice
12/20/2011 Docket No. A2012-85-Milan, Kansas Post Office Closing-Notice
12/20/2011 Docket No. MC2008-1(PhaseIIR)-Review of Nonpostal Services-Notice
12/19/2011 Docket No. A2012-83-Sherwood, Michigan Post Office Closing-Notice
12/16/2011 Docket No. A2012-81-Phippsburg, Colorado Post Office Closing-Notice
12/16/2011 Docket No. A2012-82-South Greenfield, Missouri Post Office Closing-Notice
12/16/2011 Docket No. A2012-80-Harris, Iowa Post Office Closing-Notice
12/14/2011 Docket No. CP2012-3-International Mail Price Change for Inbound Air Parcel Post-Notice