Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices are public notices published in the Federal Register. PRC posts notices that are pertinent to the Commission on its web site. A user can view a list of Federal Register Notices, open and view each notice, or print or download any or all notices.

01/27/2012 Docket No. A2012-114- Post Office Closing-Notice -Ponce de Leon Missouri
01/27/2012 Docket No. A2012-112-Elwell, Michigan Post Office Closing-Notice
01/25/2012 Docket No. A2012-106-Pierceville, Indiana Post Office Closing-Notice
01/25/2012 Docket No. A2012-107-Chilo, Ohio Post Office Closing-Notice
01/25/2012 Docket No. A2012-108-South Valley Station, Yerington Nevada Post Office Closing-Notice
01/25/2012 Docket No. A2012-109-Bovill, Idaho Post Office Closing-Notice
01/25/2012 Docket No. A2012-110-Badger, Iowa Post Office Closing-Notice
01/23/2012 Sunshine Act Meetings-February 1, 2012-Notice
01/23/2012 Docket No. CP2012-14-International Mail Contract-Notice
01/19/2012 Docket No. RM2012-3-Competitive Postal Products-Notice of Proposed Rulemaking