Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices are public notices published in the Federal Register. PRC posts notices that are pertinent to the Commission on its web site. A user can view a list of Federal Register Notices, open and view each notice, or print or download any or all notices.

03/25/2014 Docket No. CP2012-23-Amendments to Postal Contract-Notice
03/25/2014 Docket Nos. MC2014-22 and CP2014-37-New Postal Product-Notice
03/24/2014 Docket Nos. CP2012-59 and CP2014-36-International Mail Contract-Notice
03/24/2014 Docket No. R2014-7-International Mail Contract-Notice
03/20/2014 Docket No. CP2014-34-New Postal Product-Notice
03/20/2014 Docket No. CP2014-35-Modification of a Bilateral Postal Agreement-Notice
03/13/2014 Docket Nos. MC2014-21 and R2014-6-New Postal Product-Notice
03/07/2014 Docket No. CP2013-79-Amendment to Postal Product-Notice
03/07/2014 Docket No. CP2014-9-Amendment to Postal Product-Notice
03/07/2014 Docket Nos. MC2014-20 and CP2014-33-New Postal Product-Notice