Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices are public notices published in the Federal Register. PRC posts notices that are pertinent to the Commission on its web site. A user can view a list of Federal Register Notices, open and view each notice, or print or download any or all notices.

07/30/2014 Docket Nos. MC2014-36 and CP2014-62-New Postal Product-Notice
07/30/2014 Docket Nos. MC2014-37 and CP2014-63-New Postal Product-Notice
07/23/2014 Docket No. RM2014-5-Postal Price Elasticities-Petition for Rulemaking
07/17/2014 Docket No. CP2014-58-Change of Rates for Postal Product-Notice
07/11/2014 Docket No. CP2014-9-Priority Mail Contract 70-Notice
07/11/2014 Docket Nos. MC2014-31 and CP2014-56-Priority Mail Contract 83-Notice
07/11/2014 Docket Nos. MC2014-32 and CP2014-57-First-Class Package Service Contract 36-Notice
07/09/2014 Docket No. CP2014-55-Postal Rate Change-Priority Mail-Notice
07/07/2014 Docket Nos. MC2014-29 and CP2014-54-New Postal Product-Notice
07/03/2014 Docket No. MC2014-28-Postal Product Changes-Notice