Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices are public notices published in the Federal Register. PRC posts notices that are pertinent to the Commission on its web site. A user can view a list of Federal Register Notices, open and view each notice, or print or download any or all notices.

08/20/2010 Sunshine Act Meetings-September 10, 2010
08/20/2010 Docket Nos. MC2010-31 and CP2010-76, Priority Mail Contract 26-Notice
08/19/2010 Docket Nos. CP2010-91 through CP2010-94-GEPS 3-Notice
08/04/2010 Docket Nos. CP2010-84 through CP2010-89-GEPS 3-Notice
08/02/2010 Sunshine Act Meeting Notice of Date Change
08/02/2010 Product List MC2010-30 and CP2010-75
08/02/2010 Product List CP2010-78 thru CP2010-83
08/02/2010 Product List MC2010-29 and CP2010-72
08/02/2010 Product List CP2010-73 and CP2010-74
07/30/2010 Docket Nos. MC2010-27, CP2010-69 and CP2010-70-Global Plus 2A-Notice