Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices are public notices published in the Federal Register. PRC posts notices that are pertinent to the Commission on its web site. A user can view a list of Federal Register Notices, open and view each notice, or print or download any or all notices.

01/21/2016 Docket No. ACR2015—Postal Service Performance Repot and Performance Plan—Notice
01/19/2016 Docket No. CP2015-104—New Postal Product—Notice
01/14/2016 Docket No. RM2016-4—Ex Parte Communications—Proposed Rulemaking
01/12/2016 Docket No. CP2014-79—New Postal Product—Notice
01/11/2016 Docket No. CP2015-75—New Postal Product—Notice
01/08/2016 Docket Nos. MC2016-75 and CP2016-93—Parcel Select Contract 13—Notice
01/08/2016 Docket No. CP2014-75—First-Class Package Service Contract 37—Notice
01/08/2016 Docket Nos. MC2016-74 and CP2016-91—First-Class Package Service Contract 42—Notice
01/08/2016 Docket No. CP2012-47—Priority Mail Contract 41—Notice
01/08/2016 Docket No. CP2016-92—Global Reseller Expedited Package Services 2—Notice